I see you have an Ad Blocker enabled and I get it, I use them too. I run this site completely on my own and it can be quite time consuming but I feel it is an important resource for the community. There are only a few simple ads on the site that cover the costs of running the site plus a little extra.

I hope you appreciate my work enough to consider adding it to your ad blocker's whitelist.

-- DocHolliday324

South Point Crew

A Rikers and his friends are reportedly torturning JTF in the field.

Attribute Value
Frequency Daily
Hard Core false
Time Limit 360 seconds
Recommended Gear Score 80
Reset Interval Daily


1 - Nones

Faction: Criminals
Fire Team:
NPC Level: 29 - 30
Size: Medium

2 - Nones

Faction: Criminals
Fire Team: Rusher Thrower
NPC Level: 29 - 30
Size: Large

3 - Veterans

Faction: Criminals
Fire Team:
NPC Level: 29 - 30
Size: Medium


  • Reset Interval: Daily