Talent | BOO Wing | Description |
Talent | BOO Wing | Description |
Adrenaline | Medical Wing | Medkit now heals over 10 seconds and will not stop healing when taking damage |
Battle Buddy | Tech Wing | Revive a downed agent to reduce incoming damage by {0}% for {1} seconds for both players |
Boomstick | Double trigger fires off both barrels in short succession | |
Caduceus | Each Critical hit heals you and your group for {0}% of your skillpower. Can only heal each player once every {1} seconds. | |
Center Mass | Shoots heavy slugs instead of buckshot | |
Chain Reaction | Tech Wing | Damage multiple hostiles with an explosion to apply {0}% more damage from the blast |
Combat Medic | Medical Wing | Use a medkit near allies to heal group members and proxies within {0}m by {1}% |
Critical Save | Medical Wing | Use a medkit during low health to increase damage resistance by {0}% for {1} seconds |
Death by Proxy | Tech Wing | Destroy a hostile's deployed skill to increase skill power by {0}% for {1} seconds |
Demolition Expert | Security Wing | Kill a hostile with an explosion to increase explosion damage by {0}% for {1} seconds |
Desperate Times | Tech Wing | Reach low health to increase blind fire accuracy by {0}% |
Evasive Action | Security Wing | During a cover to cover move incoming damage is reduced by {0}% |
Fear Tactics | Security Wing | Applying Shock to any target triggers a {0}% chance per each target in {1}m radius. |
Glutton | Killing a target increases your Damage dealt with {0}% until you stop firing. Multiple kills stack this bonus up to {1} times | |
History Repeats | Each bullet embeds itself in the target and detonates {0} second later for {1}% of your Firearms total | |
Lights out | Destroying an enemy weak point resets skill cooldowns for you and your nearby group members. Can happen once every {0} seconds | |
Midas | Each bullet you hit with reduces your damage by {0}% and your target's damage by {1}% to a max of {3}%. The effect is reduced by {2}% per second. | |
On the Move | Tech Wing | Kill a hostile while moving to reduce incoming damage by {0}% for {1} seconds |
One is None | Security Wing | Headshot a hostile to have a {0}% chance of not consuming the bullet |
Pakhan | Each kill makes the next reload have {0}% extra bullets compared to it's base | |
Police Up | Tech Wing | Kill a hostile with any skill for a {0}% chance of auto-refilling all ammo types to capacity |
Precision | Security Wing | Headshot a hostile to pulse them for {0} seconds |
Quickdraw | When drawn weapon damage is increased by {0}% for {1} seconds. After that weapon damage is decreased by {0}% | |
Repo Reaper | Security Wing | Kill a hostile with the sidearm to receive 30 rounds for your primary weapon |
Shock and Awe | Medical Wing | Suppress a hostile to increase movement speed by {0}% for {1} seconds |
Shrapnel | Security Wing | Applying Bleed to any target triggers a {0}% chance per each target in {1}m radius. |
Steady Hands | Security Wing | Enter any cover to reduce recoil by {0}% for {1} seconds |
Stopping Power | Security Wing | Suppress a hostile to increase headshot damage by {0}% for {1} seconds |
Strike Back | Tech Wing | Reach low health to reduce active skill cooldowns by {0}% |
Tactical Advance | Security Wing | Complete a cover to cover move to increase weapon damage by {0}% per meter covered for {1} seconds |
Tech Support | Tech Wing | Kill a hostile while any skill is deployed to extend any active skills duration by {0}% |
Triage | Tech Wing | Heal an ally with a skill to reduce skill cooldowns by {0}% |
Wildfire | Security Wing | Applying Burn to any target triggers a {0}% chance per each target in {1}m radius. |
Showing 1 to 33 of 33 entries