You suppress enemies twice as fast and it takes twice as long to get suppressed
Attribute | Value |
BOO Wing |
You suppress enemies twice as fast and it takes twice as long to get suppressed
Attribute | Value |
BOO Wing |
Sealed Cache Item
Orange Underground Cache iLvl 31
Sealed Cache Item
Orange Underground Cache iLvl 32
Sealed Cache Item
Orange Underground Cache iLvl 33
Sealed Cache Item
DZ Leaderboard Weekly Purple Sealed Cache
Sealed Cache Item
Underground GearSet GS214 Cache
Sealed Cache Item
Underground Orange GS204 Sealed Cache
Sealed Cache Item
DZ Leaderboard Monthly Blue Sealed Cache
Sealed Cache Item
DZ Leaderboard Monthly Orange Sealed Cache
Sealed Cache Item
DZ Leaderboard Monthly Purple Sealed Cache
Sealed Cache Item
DZ Leaderboard Weekly Blue Sealed Cache