I would like to introduce you to Division Field Guide, a community resource for Tom Clancy’s The Division. Our goal is to provide you with the most complete database about missions, items, crafting, and more. Over these final few days before launch, we will be releasing general info about the game as well as the beginnings of our database.
To kick things off, we have info about player levels in The Division. There are 5 different aspects to the game that you can level as you play: player level, DarkZone Rank, Base of Operations Medical Wing Skill Level, Base of Operations Technology Wing Skill Level and Base of Operations Security Wing Skill Level.
Player Level
For a player’s level, at game launch players can reach a maximum level of 30. Like most games, progressing from level 1 to level 30 will get increasingly more difficult. The formula for determining how much XP is needed to reach the next level at launch will be:
XPNeeded = 1500 + (300 * currentPlayerLevel) + (450 * (currentPlayerLevel)^2)
For example, to reach level 11 from level 10, it will take 1500 + (300 * 10) + (450 * (10)^2)
or 49,500.
DarkZone (DZ) Rank
For a player’s DarkZone Rank, at game launch players can only reach a maximum of 99. Just like the players rank, the amount of XP needed to reach the next level will progressively increase. The formula at launch will be:
XPNeeded = 100 + (10 * currentPlayerLevel) + (15 * (currentPlayerLevel)^2)
Skill Levels
At game launch, the maximum skill level for all three Base of Operation Wings will be 100. Just like the players rank, the amount of XP needed to reach the next level will progressively increase. The formula at launch will be:
XPNeeded = 1000 * 1.5^(currentSkillLevel)