Over the past few weeks, many new features and content improvements have been released to Division Field Guide. These improvements include new calculators, loot tables, 1.2 Conflict content, and content improvements.
Added to the site, is weapon damage calculator widgets to all weapon pages. This calculator will determine the possible rolled base weapon damage and how much bonus bullet damage you will gain from firearms at optimal range for the weapon.
New Non-Playing Characters of the Division (High-Value Targets and more), Missions, Gear Sets and Weapons that have been released with the 1.2 Conflict update to the game have been added to the site. This also includes many improvements to NPC and Mission names, as well as removal as junk data.
I have added Vendors to the site. I have also parsed the loot tables and have introduced them to NPC, Mission and Vendor pages, e.g. Clear Sky’s boss Slider’s loot table and Clear Sky’s mission rewards.