I see you have an Ad Blocker enabled and I get it, I use them too. I run this site completely on my own and it can be quite time consuming but I feel it is an important resource for the community. There are only a few simple ads on the site that cover the costs of running the site plus a little extra.

I hope you appreciate my work enough to consider adding it to your ad blocker's whitelist.

-- DocHolliday324

NinjaBike Messenger Bag

Armor_Exotic, Armor_Exotic_Back_1 updated
NinjaBike Messenger Bag


Attribute Value
Gear Set N/A
Equipment Slot Back
Arche Type
Item Quality
Item Level 34+
Guaranteed Talent/s
Crafting Blueprints NONE

Possible Gear Scores


Loot Sources

Below is a list of how you can acquire NinjaBike Messenger Bag. Based on the loot tables, you can acquire items from NPC drops, Mission rewards or from Vendors.

The context field is used to try and provide a little extra context, like DZ bracket or the difficulty mode of a mission or incursion.

SourceSource TypeContext
SourceSource TypeContext
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Abrams NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Abrams NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Abstract NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Animal NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Antonio Fabbri NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Axel Lannister NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Barkley NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Baz NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Beans NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Bonnie NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Boomerang NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Brick NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Brooks NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Bryant NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Buckshot NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Cannibal NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Captain Drogan NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Captain Spence NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Claxton NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Clemmons NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Clutch NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Coffman NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Cooper NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Corporal O'Halloran NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Coveleski NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Cowboy NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Cpl. Newhouser NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Cpt. Bryant NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Cpt. Carter NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Cpt. Rollins NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Cpt. Stojacovich NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Cpt. Wilson NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Damien the Creator NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Danger NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Daniel the Chosen One NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
David the Bull NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Doom NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Draxler NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Drew the Bloodseeker NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Dropkick NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Duffy NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Dustbin NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Dynomutt NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Eckert NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Engineer Boad NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Fattie NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Franklin NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Gambit NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Garcia NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
Showing 1 to 50 of 132 entries

Rolled Attributes

AttributeWeightCostMin QualityMax Quality
AttributeWeightCostMin QualityMax Quality
Armor 100 1 Gear Set (GearSet)
DefaultInventoryFlatBonus 100 1 Gear Set (GearSet)
Stamina 100 1 Gear Set (GearSet)
Critical Hit Damage 100 7000 Gear Set (GearSet)
Health 100 0.1 Gear Set (GearSet)
Skill Power 100 0.1 Gear Set (GearSet)
Stability 100 15000 Gear Set (GearSet)
Ammo Capacity 100 1000 Gear Set (GearSet)
Bleed Resistance 100 1000 Specialized (Blue) Gear Set (GearSet)
Burn Resistance 100 1000 Specialized (Blue) Gear Set (GearSet)
Disrupt Resistance 100 1000 Specialized (Blue) Gear Set (GearSet)
Firearms 100 1 Gear Set (GearSet)
Electronics 100 1 Standard (Green) Gear Set (GearSet)
Firearms 100 1 Standard (Green) Gear Set (GearSet)
Stamina 100 1 Standard (Green) Gear Set (GearSet)
Electronics 100 1 Standard (Green) Gear Set (GearSet)
Firearms 100 1 Standard (Green) Gear Set (GearSet)
Stamina 100 1 Standard (Green) Gear Set (GearSet)
Electronics 100 1 Gear Set (GearSet)
Showing 1 to 19 of 19 entries

Rolled Gear Talents

The following table lists all of the possible talents that can randomly roll on this armor item.

TalentWeightMin Quality
TalentWeightMin Quality
No data available in table
Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries

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