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-- DocHolliday324

Liberator (M4)

Competition_M4, Exotic, Gun_Exotic updated
Liberator (M4)


Attribute Value
Weapon Group Assault rifle
Item Quality High end
Item Level 30+
Weapon Mod Sockets Large caliber muzzle socket, Long optics rail socket, Long underbarrel rail socket, Magazine socket
Base Weapon Damage 125
Optimal Range 28 meters
Long Range 105 meters
Maximum Range 105 meters
Clip / Mag Size 30
Fire Rate (RPM) 850
Reload Time (ms) 2500 ms
Spread Factor Range 1.85 - 3
Level Requirement 1
Crafting Blueprints
Wikipedia Reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M4_carbine

Rolled Attributes

Loot Sources

Below is a list of how you can acquire Liberator (M4). Based on the loot tables, you can acquire items from NPC drops, Mission rewards or from Vendors.

The context field is used to try and provide a little extra context, like DZ bracket or the difficulty mode of a mission or incursion.

SourceSource TypeContext
SourceSource TypeContext
DZ Leaderboard Monthly Grey Large Dark Zone Cache Sealed Cache
DZ Leaderboard Monthly Grey Medium Dark Zone Cache Sealed Cache
DZ Leaderboard Weekly Grey Large Dark Zone Cache Sealed Cache
DZ Leaderboard Weekly Grey Medium Dark Zone Cache Sealed Cache
Orange Exotic Cache Sealed Cache
Orange Field Proficiency Cache Sealed Cache
Orange Last Stand Cache Sealed Cache
Orange Survival Cache Sealed Cache
Orange Underground Cache iLvl 31 Sealed Cache
Orange Weekly Assignment Cache Sealed Cache
Special Equipment Vendor Vendor Endgame vendor in BOO
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 entries

Possible Gear Scores

Level High-End
30 163
31 182
32 204
33 229
34 256

Compatible Weapon Mods





Stats Calculator


Weapon Base Max: n/a

Dmg From Firearms: n/a

Optimal Range Min: n/a

Optimal Range Max: n/a


None available.

Most Recent Content




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