I see you have an Ad Blocker enabled and I get it, I use them too. I run this site completely on my own and it can be quite time consuming but I feel it is an important resource for the community. There are only a few simple ads on the site that cover the costs of running the site plus a little extra.

I hope you appreciate my work enough to consider adding it to your ad blocker's whitelist.

-- DocHolliday324


Exotic, FAMAS updated


Attribute Value
Weapon Group Assault rifle
Item Quality High end
Item Level 30+
Guaranteed Talent/s
  • Uncomplicated
    Damage is increased by {0}%, accuracy and stability mods reduce this bonus
Weapon Mod Sockets Large caliber muzzle socket, Long optics rail socket, Long underbarrel rail socket, Magazine socket
Base Weapon Damage 115
Optimal Range 28 meters
Long Range 105 meters
Maximum Range 105 meters
Clip / Mag Size 30
Fire Rate (RPM) 900
Reload Time (ms) 1900 ms
Spread Factor Range 1.85 - 3
Level Requirement 1
Crafting Blueprints NONE

Rolled Attributes

Loot Sources

Below is a list of how you can acquire Bullfrog. Based on the loot tables, you can acquire items from NPC drops, Mission rewards or from Vendors.

The context field is used to try and provide a little extra context, like DZ bracket or the difficulty mode of a mission or incursion.

SourceSource TypeContext
SourceSource TypeContext
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Abrams NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Abrams NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Abstract NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Agent NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Animal NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Antonio Fabbri NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Apollo NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Asher NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Axel Lannister NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Axel Wallis NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Barkley NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Baz NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Beans NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Belzer NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Big G NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Bobby B NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Bonnie NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Boomerang NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Boss NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Brick NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Brooks NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Bryant NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Buckshot NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Bullet King NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cannibal NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Captain Drogan NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Captain Levau NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Captain Spence NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Chains NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Claxton NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Clemmons NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Clutch NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Coffman NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cooper NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Corporal Hayden NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Corporal O'Halloran NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Coveleski NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cowboy NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cpl. Dorsman NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cpl. Newhouser NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cpl. Wright NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cpt. Bryant NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cpt. Carter NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cpt. Craig NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cpt. Rollins NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cpt. Stojacovich NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Cpt. Wilson NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Damien the Creator NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Danger NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
Showing 1 to 50 of 193 entries

Possible Gear Scores

Level High-End
30 163
31 182
32 204
33 229
34 256

Compatible Weapon Mods





Stats Calculator


Weapon Base Max: n/a

Dmg From Firearms: n/a

Optimal Range Min: n/a

Optimal Range Max: n/a


None available.

Most Recent Content




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ISAC: Asher

Weapon Skin Item
Virus - Plasmid

Weapon Skin Item
Scales - Marble

Weapon Skin Item
Virus - Virion

Weapon Skin Item
Virus - Chimera

Weapon Skin Item
Moray - Savanna