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Double Barrel Shotgun

Gun, Loot, Shotgun, Side_By_Side, Weapon updated
Double Barrel Shotgun


Attribute Value
Weapon Group Shotgun
Item Quality High end, Specialized, Standard, Superior, Worn
Item Level 3+
Weapon Mod Sockets
Base Weapon Damage 130
Optimal Range 11 meters
Long Range 18 meters
Maximum Range 75 meters
Clip / Mag Size 2
Fire Rate (RPM) 200
Reload Time (ms) 800 ms
Spread Factor Range 3 - 4.5
Level Requirement 1
Crafting Blueprints

Rolled Attributes

Rolled Weapon Talents

The following table lists all of the possible talents that can randomly roll on this weapon. For Primary & Secondary weapons, Specialized quality will receive one talent, Superior will receive two talents and High-End will receive three of the following talents.

TalentMin - Max Quality
TalentMin - Max Quality
Accuracy is increased by {0}%.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Using a skill increases your critical hit chance by {0}% for {1} seconds.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Headshot damage is increased by {0}% when using this weapon.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Using a skill improves the handling of your weapon for {0} seconds.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Every kill performed while the Signature Skill is active extends its duration by {0}%.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Weapon damage is increased by {0}% for {1} seconds after using a skill.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Critical hit damage is increased by {0}%.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Armor destruction value is increased by {0}% when using this weapon.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Killing a target reduces skill cooldowns by {0}%.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Every kill performed while your Signature Skill is active reduces the cooldown of your other skills by {0}%.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Damage against Elite and Named enemies is increased by {0}%.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Critical hit chance is increased by {0}% when using this weapon.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Killing a target has a {0}% chance to instantly refill the magazine.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Killing a target regenerates {0}% health over {1} seconds.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Damage is increased by {1}% when closer than {0} meters to the target.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Critical hits with this weapon heal the user for {0}% of damage dealt.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Stability is improved by {0}%.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Killing a target increases your health by {0}%
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Reloading is {0}% faster.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Killing a target with this weapon increases Skill Power by {0}% for {1} seconds. The effect does not stack. Killing a new target refreshes the timer.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Critical hits increase Signature Skill resources by {0}%.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Critical hit chance is increased by {0}% while having more than two segments of health.
Specialized (Blue)
- High-End (Orange)
Showing 1 to 23 of 23 entries

Loot Sources

Below is a list of how you can acquire Double Barrel Shotgun. Based on the loot tables, you can acquire items from NPC drops, Mission rewards or from Vendors.

The context field is used to try and provide a little extra context, like DZ bracket or the difficulty mode of a mission or incursion.

SourceSource TypeContext
SourceSource TypeContext
3000 NPC loot_table_buffer_1
3000 NPC loot_table_buffer_2
3000 NPC loot_table_buffer_3
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_elite_survival
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_elite_survival_darkzone
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_elite
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_elite_darkzone
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_elite_mission
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_named_darkzone_contaminationevent
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_normal
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_normal_darkzone
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_normal_mission
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_veteran
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_veteran_darkzone
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_low_veteran_mission
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_named_survival
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_normal_survival
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_normal_survival_darkzone
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_veteran_survival
3000 NPC loot_table_npc_veteran_survival_darkzone
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_buffer_1
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_buffer_2
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_buffer_3
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_elite_survival
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_elite_survival_darkzone
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_low_elite
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_low_elite_darkzone
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_low_elite_mission
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_low_normal
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_low_normal_darkzone
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_low_normal_mission
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_low_veteran
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_low_veteran_darkzone
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_low_veteran_mission
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_normal_survival
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_normal_survival_darkzone
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_veteran_survival
Aaron Keener NPC loot_table_npc_veteran_survival_darkzone
Abrams NPC loot_table_buffer_1
Abrams NPC loot_table_buffer_1
Abrams NPC loot_table_buffer_2
Abrams NPC loot_table_buffer_2
Abrams NPC loot_table_buffer_3
Abrams NPC loot_table_buffer_3
Abrams NPC loot_table_npc_elite_survival
Abrams NPC loot_table_npc_elite_survival
Abrams NPC loot_table_npc_elite_survival_darkzone
Abrams NPC loot_table_npc_elite_survival_darkzone
Abrams NPC loot_table_npc_low_elite
Showing 1 to 50 of 5,223 entries

Possible Gear Scores

Level Standard Specialized Superior High-End
30 38 89 131 163
31 43 100 147 182
32 48 112 165 204
33 54 125 184 229
34 60 140 207 256

Compatible Weapon Mods

Stats Calculator


Weapon Base Max: n/a

Dmg From Firearms: n/a

Optimal Range Min: n/a

Optimal Range Max: n/a


None available.

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